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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day Three -- Love is not selfish

As I read day three I wonder -- is this book suppose to help me love my husband better or make me feel like a crappy wife. The more I look deep within myself the more I dont like what I see. I must be very selfish. The third love dare is -- Along with restraining from negative comments, I am to buy my husband something that says.. "I am thinking of you." ... uh.. have you met my husband? He doesnt like spending money at all! HAHAHA .. I will buy something small and leave it on his desk tomorrow..... If anyone reading this has read this book I would like to know if you are having a hard time reading the chapters and judging your husband? What I mean is each day.. I have had to re-read the book twice because the first time was not in the right spirit. I look for the things my husband has to work on rather than what I need to. I can get my thoughts pulled back in to where they need to be -- I just wondered if I was the only one judging my husband like that.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day two - Kindness - Love in Action

Todays dare to love has to do with acts of kindness. Since he wont be back until tomorrow I will have to wait to do this excersise. It is funny... I am a cubmaster for a large cubscout group and we are talking about this very thing and I challenged them all to a random act of kindness, but never once did I think to start with my husband. Life is interesting.


Received this text today from my husband.

Thank you for being the wife you are and making my trip fun. I miss u and I am thankful for you.

my response.
I am glad you are having fun .. I love you.

Well, you are a big part of making it fun when you are supportive, thank you so much.

I am sorry it has taken me 6 years to be supportive as I should. I love you.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Day One

Love is patient is the first love dare. At first, when I first read Day one, my thoughts went directly to what my husband has done to me to make me impatient with him.... I had to re-read the words a second time -- and they stung. I reflected on all the times I am possitive I started the fights with my impatience and quick temper. I love my husband deeply and this was a hard fact to face for me.

My husband is away on buisness and has been since last week, so this where I have focused my patience. My husbands "buisness meeting" is really a ski trip with the men who head up the company. A perk of the job for my husband. I seem to stay at home on these meetings. The book asks if anything happened today to cause anger towards my husband. And the answer is yes. Today I had to take my son to the doctor for a check up from when he had viral encephalitis over the summer. I called him to discuss the treatment the doctor suggested. I felt that he didnt want to be part of this treatment and blew it off as though I needed to call his REAL dad. So, yes that upset me. I was tempted and did think disapproving thoughts, but I did not let it come out in words. Instead, I tried very hard to be patient and allowed him to talk things through. In the end, I saw his point of view by just being quiet and not allowing myself to be overcome by anger and hurt feelings. I have come to see through this excerise that I tend to jump to the defense quickly when it comes to issues with MY son. I need to realize that I just need to listen to my husband through to the end without jumping to conculsions. By not giving into anger and practicing patience, I learned why he made that comment. He meant that my son would do better with treatment if we could get his real dad involved. He never once said he wouldn't be involved.... in fact suggested a few people to call to get things started. I learned a big lesson today. I look forward to tomorrows dare.