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Friday, May 1, 2009

Brandon saved my life tonight.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am DEATHLY afraid of spiders. Big, small, it doesn't matter to me.. they are all the same. I have my husband spray and spray and spray the house to make CERTAIN I will never come face to face with a spider. Sometimes one or two slip through the major barrier of pesticide we have. If I could, I would walk around with the con-cop-tion strapped to my back and a wand in my hand to blast those suckers away. I honestly think that spiders are from the devil. They are evil scary little suckers! Tonight, there was a HUGE spider crawling on my kitchen counter as I was trying to cook dinner. The type of spider you would run into if you were out in a field.. the brown big scary looking kind.. you know what I am talking about?? I think they call them wolf spders.... well...Brandon so calmly walked over and without saying a word killed that sucker! I honestly believe the spider was wanting to eat my face off... I swear I could hear a hiss come from the spider as my husband wrestled him to the ground and saved my life. Honey, thank you for saving my life!